Project In Progress

Cafe Comics 1-1

For some time now I have been thinkin’ about a project to promote my comics besides the hit and miss methods on the internet.  I make jewelry and sell it at Craft Shows and other markets and usually there is some pretty good traffic.  I have about 1000 comics or more in my files and they are just laying there.  I decided to print out a couple of pages on legal size paper… I found a relatively cheap source of printer ink.  This is one of my first prototypes and will need some tweeking.  I plan to possibly sell some advertising (cheap ) just to cover my cost and failing this I plan to see if other people with comics would like me to print a link to their site.  Even if I have to give away the comics and the advertising it is still a great way to have something to give away and possibly promote my website.  People are actually more apt to buy my jewelry when they find out that I am also a cartoonist.

As I said I am in the planning stages at the present time and have to do a lot of tweaking and I plan to blog more in depth on this idea later.

I didn’t have a new comic to post today because I have been working on this project as well as experimenting with several new programs which I hope will improve the quality of my artwork.

I’m Bo Lumpkin and that is what I’ve been thinkin’ about.

I welcome some feedback on this idea.

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32 Responses to “Project In Progress”

  1. Red Says:

    I will buy an ad.

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      If you will prepare an ad like you want and make it business card size I will use it. I’m going to do some freebies for my friends to get started. It will be awhile before it gets distributed though because the Craft shows and markets are a couple of months away. I’m still working on the concept. (In return, after I print the ad you can promote my stuff on your site one day,)

      • Red Says:

        I am far too digital. What size is “business card”? I will promote you. I will climb in your inbox with an ad and some demands and some ideas 😛

      • Bo Lumpkin Says:

        3.5 x 2.25 inches I think. That is close enough. If I can exchange ads for promotion by other bloggers I will be accomplishing my main purpose…Advertising for my website.

  2. captnmike Says:

    I had some business cards made for my web site – I used the same basic graphic that I use for the header – only two lines of text – the tagline with the URL below it – I now hand them out when I meet people and they have a boating safety question – this give me back my privacy in that I don’ give out my personal business card or have the tacky write a note on a piece of scratch paper

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I have some like that for my web sites. I think I am going to take my phone number off of them because I don’t like to do special orders for the jewelry.

  3. Joy Says:

    I think you should publish a book….

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I am not disciplined enough to get all the writin’ and editin’ done. I have started a couple of times but then I drift away from it. I am better on one and two page stuff.

  4. Rosie Says:

    I think you should sell some of your jewelry and crafts on your website. I, for one, would be very interested.

  5. Maddie Cochere Says:

    I like this idea, Bo. I have a business card, and I would do this. 🙂

  6. Deb Says:

    This is a great idea. I don’t have any buss. cards at this time. But i do link your site from mine.
    Glad your taking on a new project, Bo! 🙂

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      Just create something business card size. About 2.25 high and 3.5 inches wide. I am still working on the particulars but I will figure the number of pixels and post that information when I get farther along in the project.

  7. bearmancartoons Says:

    I think you should post your comics when you do jewelry shows.

  8. ltpen315,barb Says:

    This sounds like a great idea, Bo and I wish you much success with it.
    Also, if you could give me at least a month’s advance notice, I would love to come to one of your craft shows.

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I will let you know when we are going to be in Benton at the Farmers Market. That should be one of the first that we do this year. I would love to come to the Flea Market in Pearl some Saturday but we usually need to be in Kosciusko and I would be too tired to be there all day and then make it to Kosciusko.

  9. jbstoons Says:

    Sounds like a good way to promote comics of your fellow cartoonist. Wish you good luck Bo.

  10. Binky Says:

    That’s a really good idea, Bo. The one thing I would suggest is to maybe have a banner on the top or bottom that advertises your jewelry and the show(s) where you’ll be attending. So if someone takes one of the comics home, they’ll be that little reminder of who & where it came from.

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I am going to make a better looking banner. I am not always sure when I will be doing a show. With my heart problems I don’t make a lot of long range plans because I never know how I will feel. I have several places that I can just show up and set my stuff up and I will probably stick with them to see how things go.
      Thanks for the great suggestions though. I am going to do a write up for others who might want to use this method of promoting their comics…or making a little from advertising and I will certainly pass these ideas along.

  11. spilledinkguy Says:

    That’s a great idea, Bo! I never would have thought of something like that. I’ve set out fliers for various things in the past, but it sure seems like including a few examples would really give everyone a great idea of what you’re promoting. A bit of work in setting everything up, but I can’t imagine it wouldn’t pay-off for you!

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I really think there are a lot of possibilities.  People will read comics.  If they read the comics they will see the ads.  If I was younger I might even think of franchising it and selling the comics to people who wanted to sell ads locally and place them in cafes and motels , etc.


  12. Tony McGurk Says:

    A good idea Bo. I had thought of doing “The Tasmanians” business cards in the past but never got around to it.

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