Bad Timin’

This comic came to mind during an actual conversation with my wife a couple of weeks ago.  BTW she was just kiddin’.  Sometimes she can say the funniest things I have ever heard.  She has to have a sense of humor to live with me I guess.

I’m feelin’ okay.  It doesn’t take much to make me tired and I get out of breath easy.  I ventured to Wal-Mart for a few minutes yesterday and then napped all afternoon.  It looks like that is going to be the way it is.  Thankfully I can sit and surf the net and work on my comics on the couch without too much effort.  I haven’t attempted makin’ any jewelry yet but I will try that later.

Thank you all for your continued thoughts, prayers, and support.  I’m gonna try to squeeze all the good I can out of life while I still can. 🙂

I also posted a new Rocky’s World comic on the othe site at

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30 Responses to “Bad Timin’”

  1. Todd McElmurry (@tmcelmurry) Says:

    I could actually see this conversation taking place between me and my wife as well. She is definitely not a morning person and more than likely would make her coffee, read the paper, and then after getting ready for the day call to report I had passed. “Well he passed last night,but I figured he’s dead…no use ruining my morning.” 🙂

    Take care of yourself sir and I’ll keep you on my prayer list for continued strength.

  2. Says:

    Emily said she sure looks forward to you making her some more jewelry.

  3. bearmancartoons Says:

    Wives are good for keeping us in stitches. Sometimes literally

  4. George Says:

    That sounds like a conversation my wife and I would have also. I like it when I can be silly with her. 🙂

  5. Deb Says:

    Ahaha, she’s pretty funny, Bo…I see why you love her.
    I’m not surprised that you tired after Walmart. It’s a big store, even if you went in for just one thing.
    Still praying and hoping the very best for you, Bo…take care, my friend.

  6. Maddie Cochere Says:

    That’s a laugh out loud comic! I love the style with the large feet. My mother insists that her feet are shrinking as she gets older. … I know you’re tired of resting, Bo. Do what you can, but don’t over do.

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      It looks like I don’t have a lot of choice in the matter. I can do what I feel like doing and then I run out of energy and have to stop. My body is kind of telling me what I can do.

  7. ltpen315,barb Says:

    He is just being a typical man…expecting the woman to clean up after him!!

  8. Binky Says:

    It’s tough that you get tired so easily. But it’s nice that in this age you can sit at a computer and communicate with your friends from all over the world with almost no physical exertion. And nothing’s wrong with your mind!

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      Could you put that in writing that nothing is wrong with my mind. I’m having a little trouble convincing some of the people I know.

      • Binky Says:

        I’ll certify that you’re 100% sane and ready for action. Well, not too much action.

      • Bo Lumpkin Says:

        Maybe you should have a seal made up that I could attach to all my documents. “100 % Wombat Certified”. You could make one of those stamps like a Notary Public and pass a law that legal papers should b Wombatized. You could get rich.


      • Binky Says:

        That’s a good idea! You have my Official Wombie Seal of Approval. You have been Wombatized. Tell all you friends.

  9. spilledinkguy Says:

    Hahaha… wait… there really are ‘morning people’ out there?! I thought that was just a rumor!
    So happy to see you’re feeling a bit better, Bo…
    and I particularly like the artwork in this one! The line-work feels so ‘warm’ to me (if that’s the right word)!
    P.S. Wal-mart always wears me out, too!

  10. jbstoons Says:

    Now that is true love if there ever was.

  11. Lynn Says:

    It actually sounds like the dialog of a (happy) married couple who’s probably been through a lot together. There’s such a sweetness to this post. Wishing you wellness from southeast Asia! ❤

  12. Tony McGurk Says:

    Maybe she’ll come back to try & resuscitate him in the afternoon once she’s had lunch & is feeling better.

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