Posts Tagged ‘Resume’’

Revisionist History

November 4, 2013

Creative History

I can honestly say that I have never doctored a resume’ for myself.  Of course, I have never actually given anyone a resume’ to get a job.  I have filled out applications, I have had job interviews and I have had people stop me and on my current job and offer me jobs.  Resume’s were not a common thing back in my younger days.  I do imagine that there are a lot of people who really dress up their resume’s and I have actually helped a few young people describe their work duties in a creative manor without telling a lie.

Here are  a few examples:

Educational Logistics – School Bus Driver

Environmental Beautification with State Institution-  Picked up trash on the side of the highway while on a prison work release program.

These are just a couple and I could think of dozens more but I would rather have dozens of comments  so give it a go in the comment section…remember this is a G rated comic so keep it extra clean.