Edna and Mildred Shutdown

Government Shutdown

I knew that things were gettin’ bad but when Mildred and Edna are both speechless on the same day  it is kind of scary.  (It at least made for an easy comic for me.)

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12 Responses to “Edna and Mildred Shutdown”

  1. Maddie Cochere Says:

    LOL! That’s very funny, Bo. 🙂 But it looks like they will be talking again soon. At least until January when they shut it all down again.

  2. jbstoons Says:

    This is like one of them Wild West showdowns. I can almost here iiiiii womp womp womp. Lol

  3. bearmancartoons Says:

    There’s a first

  4. spilledinkguy Says:

    Kind of eerie…
    Like you’d expect to see a tumbleweed blow between them…

  5. Binky Says:

    A no dialog strike would be welcomed by many.

  6. sh Says:

    bo book folder

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