Geezerhood Passing Time

Passing Time

Several years ago, before I started comics and blogging I went through a time of depression.  I spent a lot of time staring out the window at a tree. The tree didn’t offer much in the way of entertainment or inspiration, it was more of a focus point to give me time to sort out things in my mind.  Now that I have projects and outlets for my ideas I never seem to be depressed anymore.  I think sometimes when old people just sit and stare it is because they are focusing on the memories because they are afraid of the future.  As for me I know there is a new year ahead and I plan to rip the lid off of it and enjoy it to the last drop.  I hope you do too.

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31 Responses to “Geezerhood Passing Time”

  1. bearmancartoons Says:

    It’s good to have hobbies. I need some of those. haha

  2. journeymans Says:

    Your mentioning that tree outside your window reminded me of a story of a recently deceased musician from the Irish traveller community – The ‘Pecker’ Dunne. When he came to realise that changing the ways of a lifetime by becoming a member of the ‘settled’ community, living in the same spot, he is remembered as having asked; (I paraphrase as I wasn’t there myself, this is third hand)
    “How can a man be himself when he has to look out his window every day and see the same tree?”
    To the traveller, to have a desire for such a thing was simply inconceivable.

  3. ltpen315,barb Says:

    Been there, my friend. Meeting you and a few other blogger friends, I guess are my hobbies. I know it has helped!

  4. Deb Says:

    Way to go, Bo! You just keep on, keeping on enjoying life the the fullest you are able to, my friend! 🙂
    Oh yeah, don’t turn on the TV…it’s all reruns. 😉

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I don’t really mind good re-runs. I can watch the same thing over and over if it is good. The sleazy junk they have on today that they call sit coms is not good enough to watch the first time though.
      Okay…off my stump now. 🙂
      I’m lookin’ forward to a fun filled and exciting future. It might be 1 hour or 10 years but I plan to make it fun filled and exciting.

  5. synapticcohesion Says:

    Really? I though staring at a blank screen was normal behavior.

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      I personally don’t see anything wrong with it. A lot of times when I have that blank stare on my face my wife will ask me what I am lookin’ at. It is hard to explain to her. I don’t think she knows about that other place we go to sometimes.

  6. Binky Says:

    Good advice. Everyone needs hobbies or interests. Blogging and cartooning may not get you out of the house, but you get to travel the world and interact with people from all over. Quite amazing, really.

  7. steve Says:

    TV content seems to be better with the TV turned off lately.

  8. warrenfrantz Says:

    I had a similar bout a few years back. I got me a guitar and pounded on that. Never did make music…. The guitar was blessed once I found comics!

  9. Androgoth Says:

    This is an excellent cartoon Bo
    as it not only looks good but it also
    has a nice message attached 🙂

    ¸.•*¨*•.Happy New Year Bo•*¨*•.¸¸


  10. spilledinkguy Says:

    Oh well… there’s probably not too much on, anyway.
    I know what you mean! I’d probably be even crazier if I wasn’t so preoccupied with making stuff… it’s pretty time-consuming!
    Wishing you and your family a very happy new year, too, Bo! A very, very happy 2013 to you!

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      Happy New Year Robert.  I hope you and your family have a great one and keep on makin’ stuff and producin’ the wonderful artwork for us all to enjoy.


  11. Tony McGurk Says:

    Ha Ha! That would be worrying. Bet the kids spend as much time staring at their phones

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      Probably but I do think they are probably turned on. If all the phones in the world went out at once though there would be some people who would be walkin’ around lookin’ at a blank screen.

  12. Seyi sandra Says:

    I wish you love, peace and joy this year! May you find fulfillment in all you do!!!

  13. Maddie Cochere Says:

    Bo, I just hit the button to follow you via email. I’ve been following you, but your posts haven’t been showing up in my reader, and I’ve missed a lot of them. 😦

    So glad to read you beat your depression, and that you are going to rip the lid off! 🙂

    • Bo Lumpkin Says:

      That was several years ago. I don’t get depressed often but even us positive people get down sometimes.
      Maybe you didn’t sign up for both sites. I do post on two different wordpress sites.

      • Maddie Cochere Says:

        I think I’m following both sites, but I’ll double-check. My WP reader seems to drop people every now and then and I have to re-follow.

        I understand. I’m a positive person. I wake up that way. But there are times when I just have to allow the funk.

      • Bo Lumpkin Says:

        Pity parties are okay if you don’t invite too many people and they don’t last too long.

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