Just Thinkin’ 28

Bearman at http://beartoons.com has gone the second mile in tryin’ to raise money for Charity.  Y’all jump on over there to his site and try to help him out.   His challenge is comin’ to an end real soon.  Even if he wasn’t givin’ to charity his stuff is good just for the entertainment of  it.

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14 Responses to “Just Thinkin’ 28”

  1. Bearman Says:

    Helping me finish out strong. BTW before you print your Bo book, may want to correct your post “Traffic”!!

  2. MJ Says:

    That depends on the drive of the person. Ha,ha,ha!

  3. spilledinkguy Says:

    Sounds like a nice trip! 🙂

  4. George Says:

    I thought tractors usually caused the traffic jams. 😀

  5. Tony McGurk Says:

    Unless the 2nd mile is near a school at around 9:00am or 3:30pm then the traffic is just crazy

  6. Jason Says:

    Hahaha! How true. I bet it gets even thinner going that third mile… though I wouldn’t know.

  7. Binky Says:

    Most of us can’t go the first mile.

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